Wondering How to Create Your College List

Last week, a parent of a freshman told me that she wanted her son to start creating her college list right now.

Well, it might actually be a little early to start the college list in 9th grade.

But if you’ve got a junior in your household, you’re probably thinking, “Oh, man! We need to come up with a list of schools. But where do we begin?”

Right here.

My partner Ethan Sawyer, aka the College Essay Guy, has put together an amazing and comprehensive guide to creating your list.

Here’s the link.

It will take you step by step through the process of considering what your student most wants to gain from college and help you both discover the perfect fit.

Once again, here’s the link.

Once you’ve started going through some of the exercises, sent me a note to let me know what you’ve gotten from it.


P.S. Would you like some help brainstorming the whole college application process? Schedule your free complimentary call with us here, and we’ll dive into your questions.


How to *Guarantee* Your Child’s College Education Pays Off


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