How to *Guarantee* Your Child’s College Education Pays Off

You know that look that your son gets when he’s concentrating really hard on a task?

Or that huge smile that spreads across your daughter’s face when she’s just done something really courageous?

Those are the moments when you feel like you can really see the heart of who your child is.

There’s just one problem: very few people ever get a chance to see your child the way you do. And it’s having a huge impact on their futures.

A lot of this has to do with the fact that kids spend so much time sitting at their desks memorizing a bunch of facts to spit back on their tests.

Their natural genius can’t be expressed because they’re stuck in a system where conformity and sameness are rewarded and difference is punished.

Yet this kind of standardized education system is completely outdated in today’s innovation era. We’re no longer grooming our kids to stand mute and obedient in a factory line all day. We’re living in an era where 9-5 jobs and 30-year careers at the same company are quickly disappearing.

Instead, as pioneers in this digital age we live in, our economy requires massive creativity and innovation.

But let’s be frank: our kids are not learning these qualities in school.

The good news? There’s so much that students can do on their own to teach themselves creativity.


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